Sunday, November 14, 2010


DNG, a wholly Malaysian-owned conglomerate,is a prime manufacturer of generic   pharmaceuticals, traditional herbal medicine, cosmetics and lealth supplements. DNG's stringent quality control, coupled with its advanced technology and expertise, have earned it the ISO 9001:2000, cGMP and cGLP international award certifications.
 The Life Shop employs an innovative C.C.M. (Customers. Chainstore. Marketing) strategy as core business approach to market its products to the world. It provides more than 100 types of High Quality, Safe, Eco-friendly products, including health food, colour cosmetic products, personal care products, home care products and care.
Meet the DNG aGroup, the main supplier of the quality nature-based products The Life Shop markets.
The Life Shop is proud and and happy to be a business associate of this reputable Malaysian-based corporate whose singular aim is to provide world-class quality products and solutions to the world.

You'll probably wonder what the Green and Red in The Life Shop Logo stand for. Let's consider each of them separately.
Green represents the source of life. It also stands for health and vitality. For us, green denotes our sustainable business practices. The colour also indicates the great opportunities for career advancement for those who join our team.
Red, in most cultures, stand for longevity and auspiciousness. We adopt this colour to portray our outstanding commercial standards which will make us a leading player in our field.
We have now adopted the Green Ocean strategy, where we emphasise on customer benefit. It is in line with our mission to provide a wide range of health-promoting products of exceptional quality at affordable prices. This strategy also enables us to offer the public excellent investment opportunities with minimal risk and high returns.

Our Vision

To provide the safest products so that everyone lives healthily and safely.

Our Mission

To provide services to the public through chain store concept.
You have endless options when you shop. But your primary concern should be what your purchase does for - or to - you. Many items you use or consume have unsavoury side effects which do not make their presence felt immediately. Sometimes the cumulative effects only show after weeks, months or even years have passed.
Good News!!!

Reveals the secret of Staying Healthy, Beautiful and Young

Half a century ago, scientists have substantiated through extensive researches and experiments that ageing is caused by cellular free radical damages and these damages are the main culprit of body deterioration as well as cancers, cirrhosis, heart diseases, stroke and many other life-threatening diseases!
Free radicals are atoms or group of atoms with unpaired electrons, thus they are prone to seize electrons from other substances to become stable. Therefore, free radicals are strongly reactive and they can lead to a chain of damaging reactions between the cells, resulting in cellular damages and genetic mutations, subsequently inducing the development of serious diseases. This process is called “oxidation”, just like a cut apple will turn brown from oxidation when being left aside. Moreover, free radicals can form lipofuscin (also known as age pigment) which will accelerate the premature ageing process of brain cells, neurons, cardiac muscles, skeletal muscles, liver, skin and other body tissues.
In our everyday life, there are many external influences that can increase the amount of free radicals in our body, such as air pollution, UV rays, smoking, alcohol addiction, oily or burnt foods and prolonged use of mobile phone. Therefore, we have to consume enough antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals in our body to maintain a youthful and healthy appearance.

28 Types of Miracle Fruit Juices from the Heaven

Developed through numerous clinical trials, Mangosteen Plus is made from 28 types of natural fruit extracts with powerful antioxidant effects that can provide extraordinary beauty and health-enhancing effects as well as a sweet and smooth flavor. Thus, it is said to be a perfect blend of taste and nutritious essences and even a major breakthrough of science.
  • Eliminates and neutralizes free radicals to prevent and improve all chronic diseases.
  • Suppresses the production of lipofuscin (also known as age pigment) to delay skin ageing.
  • Inhibits cell mutations and the growth of cancer cells.
  • Increases the amount of lymphatic cells to enhance immunity.
  • Anti-allergy, anti-virus, anti-bacteria, anti-fungi, anti-inflammation and pain-relieving.
  • Inhibits thrombosis, improves blood circulation and maintains healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Controls blood sugar to prevent the complications of diabetes.
  • Builds strong bones and improves joint flexibility.
  • Maintains healthy eyesight, liver and kidneys.
  • Promotes cell repairs and wound healing.
  • Stimulates bowel movements to excrete accumulated toxins.
  • Burns excessive body fat and increases satiety for reducing body weight.
  • Neutralizes acidic body constitution, reduces heat and detoxifying.
  • Promotes food digestion and nutrient absorption while reducing cholesterol.
  • Boosts energy and revitalizes the body.
  • Maintains normal hormone secretions, provides a calming effect and relieves stresses.
The main active ingredient of Mangosteen Plus – mangosteen fruit contains detoxifying and cooling effects and it has been used as traditional medicine around the world as early as a few centuries ago. The health benefits of mangosteen are attributed to its powerful antioxidant properties – xanthones that found in its pulps, pericarp and seeds with the highest content found in pericarp. Therefore, the mangosteen extract in Mangosteen Plus is specifically extracted from the whole mangosteen fruit, including its pericarp, thus its effectiveness is at least 10 times higher than other mangosteen supplements that extracted from the pulps alone. Studies have shown that Xanthones can help to maintain intestinal health, enhance immunity and inhibit free radicals as well as promote healthy respiratory system, cardiovascular system, joints and cartilages.
Xanthone: Planar-six carbon molecules in a conjugated ring system consisting of a backbone molecule and various chemical groups attached to it. This unique backbone along with type and position of the attached chemical groups define specific functionalities of xanthones.
Scientists have found up to 200 types of xanthones that are beneficial to human health. While a plant is rarely containing more than 8 types of xanthones, Mangosteen fruit has been found to contain more than 70 types of xanthones. Hence, it has been called “The King of Xanthones”! Below are some of the important xanthones that have been found in the mangosteen fruit:
Until now, there are more than 30 years of scientific evidences available to support its effectiveness:
“The latex of Mangosteen consists of more than 75 types of xanthones which have strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal activities.”
Natural Product Research. 2005 Apr; 19(3):239-43.
“Six xanthones display growth inhibitory effects on the cell growth inhibition of human leukemia cell line HL60.”
Journal of Natural Products. 2003 Aug; 66(8): 1124-7.
“Gamma mangostin can directly inhibit the activity of COX.”
Biochemical Pharmacology. 2002 Jan 1; 63(1):73-9.
“Alpha mangostin and Gamma mangostin may become novel types of lead compounds for histamine and serotonin receptor antagonists.”
Nippon Yakurigaku Zassi. 1997 Oct; 110 Suppl 1:153P-158P.
“Polysaccharides in the mangosteen extract can stimulate phagocytic cells and kill intracellular bacteria.”
Journal of The Medical Association of Thailand. 1997 Sept; 80 Suppl 1: S149-54.
“Mangostin acts as a free radical scavenger to protect the LDL from oxidative damage in vitro system. ”
Free Radical Research.1995 Aug; 23(2):175-84.
Creative ways of consumption
  • Pour it into a glass and drink directly
  • Mix with cold water
  • Add to pizza and waffle
  • Mix with ice blended desserts
  • Add to muffins or breads
  • Add to the dishes
  • Add to cakes, pies and other pastries
  • Mix with ice-cream
  • Mix with milk shakes

Eye Max is purely natural product. Regular use of Eye Max can help you keep your eye sight healthy forever. Firstly, we gather that a lot of eye problems are due to modern life style which includes strenuous working hours in front of computer, lots of television watching, pollution and poor dietary habits.

The Health Benefits Behind Gingko Biloba and Tongkat Ali

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the oldest living tree species and its leaves are among the most extensively studied botanicals in use today. Unlike many other medicinal herbs, ginkgo leaves are not frequently used in their crude state, but rather, in the form of a concentrated, standardized ginkgo biloba extract (GBE). In Europe and the United States, ginkgo supplements are among the best-selling herbal medications and it consistently ranks as a top medicine prescribed in France and Germany.
Ginkgo has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Scientific studies throughout the years lend support to these traditional uses. Emerging evidence suggests that GBE may be particularly effective in treating ailments associated with decreased blood flow to the brain, particularly in elderly individuals. Laboratory studies have shown that GBE improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets.
Ginkgo leaves also contain two types of chemicals (flavonoids and terpenoids) believed to have potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Free radicals are believed to contribute to a number of health problems including heart disease and cancer as well as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Antioxidants such as those found in ginkgo can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.
Ginkgo biloba is the oldest living tree species. A single tree can live as long as 1,000 years and grow to a height of 120 feet. It has short branches with fan-shaped leaves and inedible fruits that produce a strong odor. The fruit contains an inner seed, and there has been a report of a human poisoning from ingesting the seed.
Although Chinese herbal medicine has used both the ginkgo leaf and seed for centuries, modern research has focused on the standardized Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), which is prepared from the dried green leaves. This standardized extract is highly concentrated and seems to be clinically more effective in treating health problems (particularly circulatory ailments) than the non-standardized leaf alone.
Based on studies conducted in laboratories, animals, and humans, many health care professionals may recommend ginkgo for the following health problems:
Ginkgo is widely used in Europe for treating dementia. It is due primarily to its ability to improve blood flow to the brain and because of its antioxidant properties. The evidence that ginkgo may improve thinking, learning, and memory in people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been highly promising.
Clinical studies suggest that ginkgo may provide the following benefits for people with AD:
  • Improvement in thinking, learning, and memory (cognitive function)
  • Improvement in activities of daily living
  • Improvement in social behavior
  • Fewer feelings of depression
Several studies have found that ginkgo may be as effective as leading AD medications in delaying the symptoms of dementia in people with this debilitating condition. In addition, ginkgo is sometimes used preventively because it may delay the onset of AD in someone who is at risk for this type of dementia (for example, family history).
The flavonoids found in ginkgo may help halt or lessen some retinal problems (that is, problems to the back part of the eye). Retinal damage has a number of potential causes, including diabetes and macular degeneration. Macular degeneration (often called age-related macular degeneration or ARMD) is a progressive, degenerative eye disease that tends to affect older adults and is the number one cause of blindness in the United States. Studies suggest that gingko may help preserve vision in those with ARMD.
Because ginkgo is reported to improve blood flow, this herb has been studied in people with intermittent claudication (pain caused by inadequate blood flow to the legs). People with intermittent claudication have difficulty walking without suffering extreme pain. An analysis of eight published studies revealed that people taking ginkgo tend to walk roughly 34 meters farther than those taking placebo. In fact, ginkgo has been shown to be as effective as a leading medication in improving pain-free walking distance. However, regular walking exercises are more beneficial than ginkgo in improving walking distance.
Ginkgo is widely touted as a "brain herb." Researchers recently reviewed all of the high-quality published studies on ginkgo and mild memory impairment (in other words, people without Alzheimer's or other form of dementia), and concluded that ginkgo was significantly more effective than placebo in enhancing memory and cognitive function. Ginkgo is commonly added to nutrition bars, soft drinks, and fruit smoothies to boost memory and enhance cognitive performance, although there is debate over whether the small amounts of ginkgo found in these products are effective.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali inbabits the lower stratum of the lowland forest of Malaysia. It is a small evergreen tree growing to 15m tall. The main stem grows upright with only one or two branches and sometimes none at all. At each end of the stem or branch, the leaves are arranged to form a rosette or umbrella-like canopy. The leaves are odd-pinate compound, consisting of 20-30 pairs of leaflets with one terminal leaflet. They are dark green and shiny. The flowers are small, dark red, arranged in long panicles which arise from the leaf axils with male and female flowers on different trees. The fruit is green ripening dark red, 1-2cm long and 0.5-1cm broad.
Tongkat Ali gets its name from the long twisted roots that are harvested for their medicinal value. The plant itself is a slow growing tree, taking up to twenty five years to mature. It has a slim trunk and grows up to ten meters in heights under the rainforest canopy. However, preparations are being made from much younger plants as it becomes more difficult to obtain older plants. Tongkat Ali is wild crafted with most supplies being taken from Indonesian forest. This herbs is difficult to grow, preferring a sandy, well drained soil and partial shade with regular doses of water. A Tongkat Ali tree needs to be at least five years old before it is ready for harvesting.
This plant has documented used date back to the 1700s.  Tongkat Ali is very popular for its aphrodisiac properties and also as tonic for afterbirth and general health. Besides, it is effective for hypertension, pains in the bone, jaundice, dropsy, fever, diarrhea, indigestion, lumbago and dysentery. The stems are used as febrifuge and are one of the ingredients to cure malaria. It has become popular for its testosterone-enhancing properties. Because of that, it is included in certain herbal supplements for bodybuilders. Historically, it has been used by the folk medicine in its countries of origin as a libido enhancer and to treat various sexual dysfunctions. Numerous scientific studies performed by Malaysian Universities, including University Science Malaysia (USM) have confirmed its effects on enhancing sexual characteristics in animal models. Currently, it is being researched for its possibilities as an anti-cancer supplement.
In both animals and humans, tongkat ali extract increases muscle mass. The British Journal of Sports Medicine published the results of a scientific study in 2003, which showed that Eurycoma longifolia caused increased muscle strength and size when compared to a placebo. This demonstrates the anabolic properties of Tongkat Ali. Because of this discovery, a growing number of Asian athletes and body builders now use Tongkat Ali extract as an androgen, to improve muscle size and strength, and to enhance sports performance.
The root contains compounds that include potent protective antioxidants that inhibit cellular aging.  Other phytochemicals are antiviral, antimalarial, and anticarcinogenic.  Others combat high blood pressure and stop dysentery.  Compounds called quassinoids in the root prove twice as potent as aspirin against fevers.  Significant anticancer activity seems to be due to certain quassinoids and alkaloids.  The root significantly boosts sex drive and function in men and women, by increasing testosterone.  Agents identified as glycoproteins are believed to the sex-promoting ingredients in the plant.
In tests with animals, there were four results: increased testosterone; increased energy; inhibition of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin); and increased muscle mass. When given Tongkat Ali extract, animals copulate three to four times more frequently than normal due to a significant increase in testosterone.  Human studies revealed the same results.  Because of the increase in testosterone, Tongkat Ali extract can actually appear to have a significant anti-aging effect.  Because the extract inhibits sex hormone binding blobulin, more testosterone remains in the blood and this additional testosterone slows the aging process, improves energy and sexual function, helps to reduce body fat and reduces risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.
Tongkat Ali extract also increases the production of adenosine triphosphate, the basic unit of energy in the body, increasing overall energy and vitality.  The traditional use of alcohol or other organic extraction solvents, such as hexane or acetone, produces an extract with an unacceptable level of toxic compounds.  Water is used instead. It’s been found that men need about 100 mg of extract per day, while women need about 50 mg.
Traditionally Tongkat Ali is a primary ingredient of a jamu given to patients.  The root is combined with cinnamon bark, dried ginger root and dried turmeric root.  The herbs are roasted and pounded into a powder. It’s often made into balls with honey added.  It is also made into a tea.

The reality we are living now
Let face the reality, the world is in crisis now. Unemployment is at all time high,
 people are working more hours for less money. They have a full time job that just pay for the basic essential,
 but once they lose their job, 
the necessity is beyond their reach.
Industries are downsizing, companies are facing the economic crutch that many are just surviving.There is no lifetime employment exit anymore. Statistics says 95% of the company ceased in the first year.
People have lost their homes and have cars that they can’t afford to drive, credit cards bills they can’t afford to pay. Work is keeping people away from their family. They are working for their family stability but how secure is the job? 
Are you facing one of the above?
By the time we hit 65:
>1% enjoy a wealthy lifestyle
>4% have just enough retirement capital
>3% still need to work from 9 to 5 beyond 65.
>63% have to depend on family or government support for a living.
>29% are dead.
Which statistic you’re on?
Most of us have been conditioned to believe that if we go to school,get a good grades and safe secure job with benefitswe will be set for life.If we followed this advice of being a good employee until 65 years old.most of us will still be working today, worried about job security and family stability.
Owning your own business, being your own boss is the solution. 
“If you want to become wealthy, you need to be a business owner
 ” Building your own business is the best way to become wealthy.
 It is the only way you can control your 
Have you ever had a dream? Are you happy with what you got now?
 Your life, your financial statuslifestyle.
 Have you ever thought about what is your most important priority in your life now.
>Extra income 
>Personal Development
>Financial Freedom
>Travel the world
>Being your own business
>More spare time
>Helping others
>Becoming a legacy
>Better lifestyle
NOW YOU CAN TOO! You already know what the solution is,
we had the pofesional system!Nowadays in this realistic world, “How you market” is more important than “What you market”. 
Think burger, what came into your mind? Think computer, what came into your mind?All you need is the desire to succeed, be teachable and willing to learn, have the desire to change, and have the belief in the system.

Are you ready to change? What is your plan for life?
Owning your own business and being your own boss is the trend now.
This is a business that you can:
>You can own
>Part time / Full time
>Step-by-step guidance
>Profesional System
>Small investment

"It's about helping people."

Like billionaires Donald Trump and Warren Buffet, Robert is sold on network marketing. He wants to share his insights with you on why he believes it is the business model of the 21st century -- and why now is the perfect time to take advantage of the opportunities it offers! 
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